A School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) is a group appointed by the school district to serve at the district level. Members of the SHAC come from different areas of the community and from within the school district. The majority of members must be parents who are not employed by the district. Texas law (Texas Education Code, Title 2, Subtitle F, Chapter 28, Subchapter A, §28.004) requires the establishment of a SHAC for every school district. SHACs are required to meet at least four times each year.
SHACs assist the districts in ensuring that local community values are reflected in health education instruction. Additionally, SHACs play an important role in strengthening the connection between health and learning. They can help parents and community stakeholders reinforce the knowledge and skills children need to stay healthy for a lifetime.
Summary of SHAC Activities
1. Social Emotional Learning Curriculum presented by Laurie Lerma for consideration and possible action.
2. Review of Local School Wellness Policy
3. Triennial Review of Local Wellness Policy
4. Presentation by PD on Vaping in schools.
5. Poison Control Safety informational session. Types of poison: Alcohol, Carbon Monoxide, and mistaken identity of pills and medications.
6. Health Fair/ Family Engagement:
45 Vendors and 5 presenters on various topics:
Dangers of Vaping
Understanding the Facts of Mental Health
New technology and its effects on Children
Building a Community of Writers
Gaming Designs