Measures for Individuals to Protect Themselves from Mosquito Bites

Alice Independent School District wants to keep our community informed and up to date. We want the community aware of ways to prevent the spread of mosquito-borne illnesses, such as Zika, West Nile and dengue. With the increase in mosquito activity so does the threat of these illnesses. Pregnant women are particularly at risk of Zika; the virus can cause birth defects in unborn infants.

What You May Want to Do as Parents:

  1. Use mosquito repellant before leaving for school.
  2. Regular school day--   Insect repellant should be applied at home using a long lasting variety prior to school arrival. Should insect repellant need to be applied during the school day, WIPES OR LOTIONS will need to be signed into the campus clinic by the parent following the district’s medication policy.

Measures for Individuals to Protect Themselves from Mosquito Bites

  • wear insect repellent,
  • cover up with long-sleeved shirts and long pants,
  • keep mosquitoes out with air conditioning or intact window screens,
  • limit outdoor activities during peak mosquito times.

Measures for Individuals to Prevent Mosquito Breeding

At least weekly, carefully check the area around your home, school or workplace for mosquito breeding areas:

  • clear and empty gutters;

  • empty or get rid of cans, buckets, old tires, pots, plant saucers and other containers that hold water;

  • remove standing water around structures and from flat roofs;

  • change water in pet dishes daily;

  • rinse and scrub vases and other indoor water containers weekly;

  • change water in wading pools and bird baths several times a week;

  • maintain backyard pools or hot tubs;

  • cover trash containers;

  • water lawns and gardens carefully so water does not stand for several days;

  • screen rain barrels and openings to water tanks or cisterns; and

  • treat front and back door areas of homes with residual insecticides if mosquitoes are abundant nearby.

If mosquito problems persist, consider pesticide applications for vegetation around the home.

Thank you cooperation and for your help with this important public health matter.